Second Corinthians chapter one, verse nine is the passage I've chosen for my journey through prostate cancer. Although Paul was speaking specifically about the persecution he and other Christians endured for the Gospel, the emphasis is on the purpose. Persecution or trials of any form solely exist to make us rely on GOD alone, and not ourselves. They happen in order for us to exhaust ourselves of any self effort in order to realize that our total dependence should be on the One Who created, sustains, and has sovereign authority over everything, including our individual lives. One of the Lord's greatest pleasures is when we surrender all to Him so that He receives all the glory He deserves from us, especially those of us who claim Him as Lord. We must avoid using religious cliches and "christianese" to flatter God and make us appear spiritual to man. Yes, it is true – God is good all the time... But, is He good only when things are going good for me??? God is good because it is Who He is, whether our world is good or not. One of the hardest truths to swallow is the fact that prosperity and adversity come from the same Source.

To be clearer, God will sometimes break us in order to use us. A vessel broken by the hands of the Potter will often provide better service to Him because of a clearer understanding and greater reverence for the Maker. Broken or not, we must fully confess and admit to ourselves the words of the Lord Jesus: "...apart from Me you can do nothing."

Visit the blog archive and read from earliest to latest to get the details in chronological order.


Part Nine: The Best WIFE In The Whole World!

As the title states - I have the best wife in the whole wide world! You know, many men say that about there wives, and they mean it. But, this is different. I run out of words trying to express how I feel in my heart how much my darling, loving, unselfish, giving, sacrificing, precious, beautiful WIFE means to me!!! Cynthia is for me the poster child of Proverbs 31:10-31! If the phrase "Excellent Wife" was a dictionary term, her face would be in the margin as a visual example.

First of all, getting married to her made a man out of me! I slowly began to grow through much trial and error - my own, of course. I've learned so much from the Lord through her - mainly how irresponsible I've been and how much of a God-ly man I need to be for her because she needs it and deserves it! And let me tell you that I'm far from perfect!

It is because of her I actually have a doctor! Let's be honest -- most men don't like going to the doctor and actually don't go! If a man's left arm is hanging from its socket and bleeding everywhere he'll say that it's alright and that he'll be ok. I've known a few men who will quickly admit that they don't want any doctor cutting on them no matter what's wrong. As much as I'm "almost" like most guys, I think that's very foolish! My wife not only encouraged me to get a doctor and have physicals done, but also encouraged me to get my prostate checked. The first time I had my prostate checked "digitally" I was like, "Whoa, what the heck–!" What an unpleasant experience! But, trying to be responsible, I had to get it done. But, in October 2006 my church held another free prostate screening and with the loving encouragement of my beautiful bride, I went. As I mentioned in an earlier entry, for the first time I had my blood taken for the PSA test. And that's what revealed it!

Now, my wife has been by my side and supported me throughout our marriage, but this time was much deeper! After the biopsy and diagnosis, she spent hours upon hours of time on the internet daily doing research for me, trying to find the best information for treatment, surgical options, nutrition, survival data based on PSA and Gleason scores, and so on! She actually knows more than I do about prostate cancer, as well as nutrition.

I know I sound a bit partial but my wife is the best cook! Cynthia can come up with a complete meal even when I think there's nothing in the fridge or pantry that will make a snack! She loves to cook and it shows. We later began to splurge a bit (as if we have money to do so) and go shopping for healthy, more organic foods - specifically fruits and veggies! It was sometimes a strain on our bank account, but it was worth it! Like I said before, we didn't go straight vegan or even go totally healthy on our meals, but we did make a big shift. My lunches that I took to work, even though always prepared with much love, were a lot healthier! Dinner began to be so much more guiltless!!!

I praise the Lord Jesus for having the best wife in the world who does so much for me and the kids better than anyone else would or could. I can't imagine having anyone else as my wife. God's providence is perfect and so strategic that for me He has perfectly fashioned and graciously given me the wife of my youth!!! I will write more about her later as the events unfold. I'll close this entry with the best statement to end with --- I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH, MRS. STEVEN CRAIG SMITH!!!

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