Second Corinthians chapter one, verse nine is the passage I've chosen for my journey through prostate cancer. Although Paul was speaking specifically about the persecution he and other Christians endured for the Gospel, the emphasis is on the purpose. Persecution or trials of any form solely exist to make us rely on GOD alone, and not ourselves. They happen in order for us to exhaust ourselves of any self effort in order to realize that our total dependence should be on the One Who created, sustains, and has sovereign authority over everything, including our individual lives. One of the Lord's greatest pleasures is when we surrender all to Him so that He receives all the glory He deserves from us, especially those of us who claim Him as Lord. We must avoid using religious cliches and "christianese" to flatter God and make us appear spiritual to man. Yes, it is true – God is good all the time... But, is He good only when things are going good for me??? God is good because it is Who He is, whether our world is good or not. One of the hardest truths to swallow is the fact that prosperity and adversity come from the same Source.

To be clearer, God will sometimes break us in order to use us. A vessel broken by the hands of the Potter will often provide better service to Him because of a clearer understanding and greater reverence for the Maker. Broken or not, we must fully confess and admit to ourselves the words of the Lord Jesus: "...apart from Me you can do nothing."

Visit the blog archive and read from earliest to latest to get the details in chronological order.


Part Eleven: Operation Day - and Recovery, pt. 1

It's early Thursday morning, December 28, 2006

My wife and I make our way to UT Southwestern, Zale Lipshy Building. We make it there around 6am-ish and I get checked in. Then it's on to the waiting area to listen for my name. I've been to hospital waiting areas quite a few times, but never as the patient! After I give my name the young lady at the desk informs me that someone arrived earlier asking for me. She then pointed to an elderly man who I recognize as one of my co-workers at First Baptist Dallas. An FBD associate pastor was there to pray with me before my surgery. What a surprise to see him there! Now I'm sure that he does this with most church members/faculty, but it was still comforting for him to get up very early in the morning (he beat me there), find out where my surgery was going to be and meet me to pray for a successful surgery!

My mother was there with my wife and I as I was called to the back to prepare for surgery. I changed my arrival clothes to put on the surgical threads which included a cool headpiece and foot covers (don't know the actual names). A couple of nurses came in to check my vitals again and soon after I kissed my wife and mom and laid back on the bed. I got another kiss from my beautiful wife as they rolled me down the hall into the operating room. I was little nervous, but not too much. By this time I feel a strong peace about the whole thing. I can't help but rest on the sovereignty of Almighty God and trust in His mercy as He heard my prayers and the prayers of my wife, mom, and other saints lifting me up! I also began to reflect more on all that the Lord has done for me all my life from the beginning up until this point - and I don't mean just general stuff! My life is filled with grace and mercy, in spite of my foolishness!!! I have far too much to be thankful for!

As I come to a stop in the operating room, I briefly notice a large machine which I find out later that it's the da Vinci (robotic laparoscopic machine). Notice I said briefly - that's the last thing I remember at this point!

The next thing I'm aware of is slowly waking up in the recovery area. Thinking about it now, it seemed like about 10 minutes. Actually it's about 4 hours later! As I slowly and sluggishly open my eyes, listening to the chatter of the nurses around me, the first thought that comes to my mind is: "Oh...I guess they're finished." I then closed my eyes and went back to sleep. I felt very rested and absolutely no pain - praise the LORD!!!

Then, I guess about an hour later, I'm being rolled to my hospital room. I'm quite sluggish but I recognize my wife, mom, sister, neice, and my boss, Lori. By the way, my boss had been there since I was in surgery - I told you that I love my job, right? My co-workers, especially in my department (but not limited to) are my extended family!

I began to be more and more in tune with my body and the state I was in when I noticed the catheter! It wasn't painful at all, just uncomfortable. The doctor told me that I would have a constant feeling of needing to "go" with the catheter in me. He wasn't kidding! Later on, when most of my family left me and the wife, I lifted the covers to check out my scars. I had four small scars (two on each side of my belly) where the cameras and tools were inserted to perform the surgery and one larger scar around the left side of my navel. This is where a vacuum tube was inserted to pull out my prostate. Again, I want to stress the fact that I was in no pain at all! I was also wearing stockings that generated a pulsating vibration to encourage circulation in my legs in order to prevent and blood clotting. A few other doctors and nurses came in and out to check on me to see how I was doing. Some of them were students working on their residency (by the way, if you don't know by now the "UT" stands for University of Texas). One of the guys did something I'll never forget. He unhooked the tube on the catheter from the "container" and inserted a large, clear syringe filled with saline. He said it was to make sure that I didn't have any blood clots in my bladder and urethra. He wasted no time when he said, "This will feel weird." He pushed the saline through the tube connected to me and then pulled in the other direction to remove the saline to reveal the results. He said, "No blood clots. You're looking good!" I said, "Cool." But, when he did that, he was right when he said that it would feel weird! That was probably the weirdest thing I've ever felt! My eyes bulged as I thought, "Whoa!" It didn't hurt, just felt...weird.

Later on they bring me my first meal - good old chicken broth, jello, and juice! Yum. Hey, I just had surgery, so I needed to take it easy. Nothing solid just yet. This was not only for my stomach but also for the stool. One of the prescriptions that I had was a stood softener. Remember, I just had my prostate removed. The prostate sits right below the bladder - on top of the bottom of the lower intestine! Trust me: You don't want to be constipated now!!! I'm in no pain, but that entire area is very, very tender.

One of my old high school buddies, Terry, surprised me with a visit. I hadn't seen him in years. He was told about me by his cousin, Ed, who I told about my condition and upcoming surgery at church a week prior. It was really good to see him. We were like brothers back in the day, even after high school. Then, one of my first cousins, Dwight, stopped by to see me, as well.

Later on, my surgeon, Dr. Claus Roerhborn, stops by to check on me and give me a report on the surgery. I love the way he put it: "It was exquisite!" That was really a blessing to hear. Another younger doctor stopped by who assisted Dr. Roehrborn and told me that one of the reasons the surgery went so great was that my organs were in the right place - almost perfect! Yes, the Lord is gracious!!!!! Then the nurse came in and informed me that I will need to get out of bed and start moving around very soon to keep my circulation in tact. By now it is about 6pm-ish and I'm helped out of bed and into one of the chairs. Minutes later, I notice that I start to get very light-headed, so much so that I feel like I'm about to pass out! This really worries me! I tell my wife this and she buzzes the nurse. They come in and help get me back in bed. The nurse checks my blood pressure and it's really low and that's very odd for me because I have borderline hypertension. My temperature is checked and I'm running a fever of about 104! This scares me but as I lay in the bed, in about 30 minutes to an hour, I slowly begin to get better. Blood pressure rises back up to normal and temperature drops down to the same. This is simply side effects of the anesthesia and doesn't happen again. Later on, I receive another meal, but it's a little more solid this time! And quite good I might add!

The next morning, I begin to slowly get out of bed and walk a bit. I'm not doing too bad if I should say so myself. Again, no pain, just the uncomfortable feeling of the dreaded catheter. By the way, my urine is quite red-ish because of the blood. This is a normal result of surgery. I'm encouraged to drink lots and lots of water which will clear it up. I have no problem with that. They give me one of those 40-ounce hospital cups with the built-in straw. I emptied that thing quite frequently! Before I know it, it's approximately 6pm-ish on December 29 and I'm going home. Yep, you read right! I had the robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy procedure and I'm going home the next evening! I head to the bathroom to get dressed (pajamas and robe), say goodbye to the nurses who provided the best comfort (one of them was from my old neighborhood that I grew up in!), hopped in the wheel chair and headed downstairs to the van. We arrived home safely by the grace of God. I have a two-story home so you can picture me walking sideways up the stairs very carefully.

Let me make it very clear again that I'm very, very thankful to the Lord for His sovereign grace. The surgery was great and now I'm recovering well with no problems. I get myself situated in my bed with my big water cup on my nightstand along with my Bible. As much as I love the Word and the study of theology, I have to admit I don't read it enough. Now's the opportunity to use my recovery time wisely and get into it more than I've done before! But, you know, that's just what the Lord will do. He can put you on your back in order to put you on your face in reverence to Him. I have no excuse not to make valuable time for the study of His Holy Word.

I also take time to enjoy reading other books and watching some of my favorite movies. I love action and sci-fi! My wife told me in the hospital that while I'm at home recovering she'll watch The Lord of the Rings trilogy with me!!! Let me fill you in: Before she said that she didn't want to watch it because she stated "it seems way too violent for me." Now, my wife likes action movies like me, but I guess she has her limits compared to my tastes. I told her many times before that she'll love it and it's more than just fighting - it's a great story and the cinematography is outstanding! It's my favorite movie!!! So much so that I purchased the extended edition set!!! I was excited when she told me that she'd watch it with me. The funny thing is that after each part she exclaimed, "Wow! I can't wait for the next part!" When we finished the whole trilogy (about 5 days later) she said, "That was really good! I want to watch it again!!!" I responded, "I told you you'd love it!"

Did I mention that I love my wife???!!!!! She's so much fun and I'm glad she's in my life!!! She took care of me way better than any nurse could and my super kids did a super job showing daddy some major love! They helped mommy and me with whatever I needed! They're the best!!!


Part Ten: The Pre-Op

It's the third week in December 2006 - a few days from surgery. It's time for the pre-op! "Pre-operation" for those unfamiliar with the abbreviated term. Now, let me remind you: I've never had to go to the hospital for any type of surgical procedure whatsoever! First, I had to take off my shirt and have the nurse stick numerous wires to my upper torso to give me an EKG. Technology is amazing in this day and age. The machine she used only took approximately a minute to check my vitals. By the grace of God, I checked out fine. I was a little concerned because I know I'm not the healthiest guy on the block. For those who are not familiar with this type of procedure, it's necessary to check your vital signs to make sure that there are no other physical complications going on inside of you. Sometimes, depending on what else may be wrong, the doctor(s) can't operate until other issues are taken care of. I had a co-worker go to the doctor earlier this year to have a hernia removed. When they did his EKG they noticed that a few valves in his heart contained major blockage and instead of hernia surgery he ended up having open-heart surgery! That's why the pre-op is the routine thing to do!

Cynthia and I asked about the anesthesiologist who was recommended as one of the best and we were able to meet with him briefly. I had heard about how most post-surgery patients have symptoms of nausea and headaches because of the anesthesia administered to them during the operation. He explained the reason why is because of the use of medicinal "narcotics" in the anesthesia which he only uses when needed. He rarely uses them and is known for providing one of the most painless experiences in the operating room and post-surgery. We requested him right on the spot and he accepted as he jotted down my name and surgery date.

Now, check this out! As we spoke with the main nurse who would be assisting the surgeon, I asked her a serious question. I asked, "What's the youngest age of men that you've seen come through this hospital to be treated for prostate cancer?" She replied, "35." I know what you're thinking...that's very young, especially when normally it is a concern for men 50 years or older! Remember, I was diagnosed at 41 (no telling how long I've had it). But, 35? Man, that's a shocker! That's why I'm spreading the word and encouraging more guys to get checked - even before the age of 40! Her response stayed on my mind for a long time. It was almost hard to believe.

As the day drew closer and as education concerning my diagnosis increased, I began to lose my fear of surgery through much prayer and with my wife by my side!

Part Nine: The Best WIFE In The Whole World!

As the title states - I have the best wife in the whole wide world! You know, many men say that about there wives, and they mean it. But, this is different. I run out of words trying to express how I feel in my heart how much my darling, loving, unselfish, giving, sacrificing, precious, beautiful WIFE means to me!!! Cynthia is for me the poster child of Proverbs 31:10-31! If the phrase "Excellent Wife" was a dictionary term, her face would be in the margin as a visual example.

First of all, getting married to her made a man out of me! I slowly began to grow through much trial and error - my own, of course. I've learned so much from the Lord through her - mainly how irresponsible I've been and how much of a God-ly man I need to be for her because she needs it and deserves it! And let me tell you that I'm far from perfect!

It is because of her I actually have a doctor! Let's be honest -- most men don't like going to the doctor and actually don't go! If a man's left arm is hanging from its socket and bleeding everywhere he'll say that it's alright and that he'll be ok. I've known a few men who will quickly admit that they don't want any doctor cutting on them no matter what's wrong. As much as I'm "almost" like most guys, I think that's very foolish! My wife not only encouraged me to get a doctor and have physicals done, but also encouraged me to get my prostate checked. The first time I had my prostate checked "digitally" I was like, "Whoa, what the heck–!" What an unpleasant experience! But, trying to be responsible, I had to get it done. But, in October 2006 my church held another free prostate screening and with the loving encouragement of my beautiful bride, I went. As I mentioned in an earlier entry, for the first time I had my blood taken for the PSA test. And that's what revealed it!

Now, my wife has been by my side and supported me throughout our marriage, but this time was much deeper! After the biopsy and diagnosis, she spent hours upon hours of time on the internet daily doing research for me, trying to find the best information for treatment, surgical options, nutrition, survival data based on PSA and Gleason scores, and so on! She actually knows more than I do about prostate cancer, as well as nutrition.

I know I sound a bit partial but my wife is the best cook! Cynthia can come up with a complete meal even when I think there's nothing in the fridge or pantry that will make a snack! She loves to cook and it shows. We later began to splurge a bit (as if we have money to do so) and go shopping for healthy, more organic foods - specifically fruits and veggies! It was sometimes a strain on our bank account, but it was worth it! Like I said before, we didn't go straight vegan or even go totally healthy on our meals, but we did make a big shift. My lunches that I took to work, even though always prepared with much love, were a lot healthier! Dinner began to be so much more guiltless!!!

I praise the Lord Jesus for having the best wife in the world who does so much for me and the kids better than anyone else would or could. I can't imagine having anyone else as my wife. God's providence is perfect and so strategic that for me He has perfectly fashioned and graciously given me the wife of my youth!!! I will write more about her later as the events unfold. I'll close this entry with the best statement to end with --- I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH, MRS. STEVEN CRAIG SMITH!!!

Part Eight: I Love My Job!

By now it's the beginning of December 2006. I'm already surrounded by the prayers of my family, friends of my fellowship, and co-workers. It was at this time the co-workers really expressed their love at a higher level. As many already know, I work for First Baptist Dallas. The staff would meet periodically to go over organizational issues and things involving the church as a whole. This time the plan was to meet and include a time of prayer for yours truly at the end of the meeting. And boy - did they pray for your brother!!! After calling me up to the front of the room, the pastor pulled up a chair and had me sit down in front of everyone. Before I sat down, I asked if everyone even knew what was happening with me and decided to clue them in just in case someone didn't know. I proceeded to explain that "in October I was diagnosed with prostate cancer." I continued to talk about how "the Lord puts many people in your life and sometimes just the right person at the right time - like my wife..." That's when I got choked up! I've got to tell you about that woman, but I'll save her for her own blog entry!

When I finished, everyone got up from their seats, knelt down and surrounded me. Those closest to me put their hands on me and the pastor began to pray! Wow!!! What a fellowship! There's nothing like the sincere prayers of the saints - especially in a time of great need! Now, that's powerful - but that's not all they did. My director, Lori, stood up and explained that many of those, who were able, got together and purchased numerous gift cards from various restaurants and grocery stores, and some even threw in some cash!!! She explained that these gifts would help my wife and make it easy on her the most so that she wouldn't have to cook a lot since she'll be busy taking care of me and the kids! She handed me a gift bag filled with these items and it pretty much took my breath away! I went through the bag thoroughly when I returned to my desk and just praised the Lord!!!

When I got home that night, after putting the kids to bed, I told my wife that I had a surprise for her. I brought her to our sofa in the family room and unloaded the bag on it. We both broke down crying tears of joy in unison! This was just too much love for us to handle!!! We then prayed together in thanksgiving to our great Provider and what He has done for us with these gifts! When I added up the total value of the cards with the cash the total came out to $1300!!! This was totally unexpected and I'm totally undeserving of such gifts! I'm truly amazed at how much the Lord continues to shower me with His grace all my life and more specifically at this time!

Now many believers know that when God blesses, it is for us to be a blessing, not just to keep it all to ourselves. That's the purpose of this blog. But my wife and I decided that it would be good to share our "tangible" blessings with one of her former co-workers who was wrestling with cancer herself. We took a huge chunk of the cash and some of the gift cards and my wife met up with her a few days later to present them to her. You know, being a blessing actually feels better than being blessed!!!