Second Corinthians chapter one, verse nine is the passage I've chosen for my journey through prostate cancer. Although Paul was speaking specifically about the persecution he and other Christians endured for the Gospel, the emphasis is on the purpose. Persecution or trials of any form solely exist to make us rely on GOD alone, and not ourselves. They happen in order for us to exhaust ourselves of any self effort in order to realize that our total dependence should be on the One Who created, sustains, and has sovereign authority over everything, including our individual lives. One of the Lord's greatest pleasures is when we surrender all to Him so that He receives all the glory He deserves from us, especially those of us who claim Him as Lord. We must avoid using religious cliches and "christianese" to flatter God and make us appear spiritual to man. Yes, it is true – God is good all the time... But, is He good only when things are going good for me??? God is good because it is Who He is, whether our world is good or not. One of the hardest truths to swallow is the fact that prosperity and adversity come from the same Source.

To be clearer, God will sometimes break us in order to use us. A vessel broken by the hands of the Potter will often provide better service to Him because of a clearer understanding and greater reverence for the Maker. Broken or not, we must fully confess and admit to ourselves the words of the Lord Jesus: "...apart from Me you can do nothing."

Visit the blog archive and read from earliest to latest to get the details in chronological order.


Cool news!

I was at my urologist this morning at Methodist Hospital getting my 6-month check up. The doctor informed me that the hospital just got its first DaVinci machine! YAHOO!!! I've been in conversation with Tim Upshaw, the guy who directs the Prostate Screening & Awareness Program there, and he was concerned that while they have the best and busiest screening program in the country, any time someone is thinking about surgery they want to know more about the robotic procedure. The problem is that these men would get screened by Methodist, but had to go elsewhere for the surgery, like I did. Well, they finally got one. That's some exciting news. When I left the office, I called Tim immediately to share the excitement. It's about time and it'll be really good for them 'cause now they can start to give some full treatment and not just screenings.

Some more cool news: My doctor told me for my next check up that he'll see me next year!!! Yeah, baby! Yearly check ups now!!! Oh, how I love the favor of GOD! Especially since I'm so undeserving of Him. Thank you, Father!

I should get my PSA results in about a week and will be posting them here. Peace!


new site (and belated anniversary)

Hey, hey, hey!!! Just like I planned – a new name and a new look for the blog. "Broken to serve" went from slogan to main title. It just makes more sense than 'openvessel' - that title never sat well with me. I also changed the introduction. As you can see, this is way beyond just cancer survival. There's a bigger purpose in it than just saying "I'm still here." This is true for every survivor. I'm just one of the relative few who acknowledge it – and the credit does not go to me!

I forgot to mention a few weeks ago that December 28, 2008 was my 2nd year anniversary from the surgery and being cancer free! God is so merciful! I get my next PSA check in about 2 weeks. As always, you'll get the report right here.

One more thing: I still have the gracious opportunity to talk to brothers who are diagnosed and looking for treatment options. Just recently a couple of brothers called me to say that they had their surgery and inform me how well they're doing and thanking me for the information that I was able to give them so that they would know what to look for. They always apologize for calling me, but I tell them that they should call me and I'm glad they did. And I want them to keep calling me to let me know how they're doing so that I can continue to praise the Lord for using me and for delivering and using them! This is not about me. It's not about them. It's about the sovereignty of God and His amazing grace and mercy!